Philip's Story About Making Life Meaningful

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Product Launch Part 1 of 2

It was 26th Dec 2006 Tuesday morning 9am, and i went out n having my sweet time driving slowly to my company's HQ. Lucky there wasnt alot of cars on the road that day, mayb becoz it was pass 9 n everyone is alread in the office working.

I reached Damansara at 9:30am n found a parking spot n walk up to my company. To my amaze, IT WAS PACKED WITH PEOPLE!!!
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I was like OH MY GOD, ITS ONLY 9:45am ONLY and the couter will only start taking orders at 10:30am. I knew it that it will be alot of people BUT NOT THIS MUCH (I saw alot of peoples expression saying this when they came in).I had to line up VERY LONG to get my new product and i didnt have my headphones or some mags or books with me to read while i was lining up.

This is the main hall n the end of the hall is the counter.
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This is take from the counter view. Towards the end, there is a big hall filled with people inside as well.
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This is a pic inside the big hall from the previous pic.
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Taken while waiting in line.
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During my wait for the counter to open, lucky there are some people to chat with. And i made some phone calls n send some sms out. Pics below are taken when the counter is operating

This is when the counter alr started operation.
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Not very clear to c in the pic, there are actually 5-6 counters openned just for the new product ordering, only 1 counter for ordering other mainstream products.

And during my wait, I can c there are quite number of people buying alot that they needed a trolley to push to their cars (this is often seen in my company people buy ALOT).

FINALLY MY TURN TO BUY!!! LOOK, still ALOT of people lining up behind me, and guess wat, ITS 12:30PM already -_- i waited from 9:30am till 12:30PM. AND guess what next, "ALL NEW PRODUCT SOLD OUT" i hear from the counter, GRRRRR I WAS NEXT IN THE LINE & IT SOLD OUT!!! BAH, nv mind can still buy some n collect in 2 weeks time
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Lastly, I have been told that the 1st person to line up infront of the main office door was there since 6am something with a camp.

Next - Part 2 of 2 New Product Celebration Night
This took place on 26th Dec 2006 at Damansara Uptown, where the newest product from E.Excel International came to the market.

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The physical pic of the actual product